Thursday 12 November 2015

भोजन विधि - 
                    अजीर्ने च अम्रितम वारि जीर्ने वारि बलप्रदम ।
                     भोजने च अम्रितम वारि भोजनांते विशप्रदम ॥

                              अजीर्न मे जलपान - अम्रित के समान
                                       भोजन के जीर्न होने पर जलपान- बलप्रद
                                       भोजन के बीच-2 में अल्पजल पान - अम्र्ति
                                       भोजन के तुरंत बाद जलपान - विश के समान

आहार विधि-
                                                                            Usnam asniyat   snigdham asniyat  matravat asniyat
            jirne asniyat  virya aviruddham asniyat  iste dese, ista sarva upakaranam asniyat
            na atidrutam asniyat  na ativilambitam  ajalpan  ahasan  tanmana bhunjita

Monday 2 November 2015


Need for the Study

Sandhigatavata vis-à-vis Osteoarthritis is a Musculo-skeletal system disease that involves the Major Joints. According to W.H.O, O.A is as 2nd commonest musculoskeletal problem in the world population WHO estimates that 40% of people over the age of 70 years suffer from OA knee.Come 2013 and India is likely to notice an endemic of osteoarthritis with about 80% of the 65+ population in the country. Many systems of medicines have drawn much attention towards the curing or limiting the disease with the different modalities, but the result is not encouraging. traditional Ayurveda told therapies and practices are brought forward here. Janu vasti is a part of panchakarma in Ayurveda treatment and it is One of the most effective treatment in reliving the pain and rejuvenating the joint.

Material & Methods
Material used for januvasti –

1.     black gram powder
2.      tail (khar paka )
Exclusion criteria:

1.     Patients below 30 and above s75 years of the age
2.     Patients with skin diseases
3.     Patients with diabetes / hypertension
4.     Patients with other systemic condition such as Gouty arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis simple and compound fractures
 Inclusion criteria

Patients suffering from the sandhigatavata having the Clinical symptoms

 Criteria of diagnosis

The signs & symptoms of Sandhigatavata mentioned in the Ayurveda.
Subjective parameters:  

1) shotha28-29
2) atopa                                
3) shula                   
4) sandhigata asamartya
5) vata poornatwam
6) drithi sparsha

Objective parameters:    

1) Temperature30
2) Restricted movement    
3) Stiffness               
4) X-ray of knee joint

Quantity Required  taila for JanuVasti.   

 duration: 30 min. for 7 days


Janu basti an adapted of Shirobasti.janu vasti is defines as the lukewarm medicated oil is then poured in to the space inside the walled boundary in a constant and continuous stream. It is retained there for a particular period of time.The joints are regulated mainly by vyana vata and shleshaka kapha. In Sandhigatavata there is vruddhi of vyana vata and kshaya of shleshaka kapha . As Januvasti is a method of snigdha sweda by , because of its snehana and swedana it shaman of  vata, and because of its brumhana nature it corrects the shleshaka kapha. the sneha by its snigdha, guru and ushna guna shaman of  the rooksha, laghu and sheeta gunas of Vata respectively so Vata shaman  by the taila. Here kosna taila(khara paka) permeate through the sookshma srotases of the body to shaman of  the Vata.. Due  of the opposite Gunas of taila and Vata the later gets overcome by the former and not vice versa because of prabhava of taila. Hence Januvasti helps in samprapti - bhanjana of Sandhivatataila. Dalhana mentioned if snehana is done for the specific period then the sneha will enter and nourish the body as  -
sneha enters into twacha-400 matrakala(2 minutes)
sneha enters into  rakta -500 matrakala(2.5 minutes)
sneha enters into mamsa-600 matrakala(3 minutes)
sneha  enters into meda-700 matrakala(3.5 minutes)
sneha enters into asthi -800 matrakala(4 minutes)
sneha enters into majja-900 matrakala(4.5 minutes)
1.medicated taila by its  veerya is enter through romakupa
2.paka by bhrajaka pitta and dehoshma
3.medicated sneha  qualities enter into the tiryakgata 4.dhamanis attached to romakupa
5.enters in circulation and to the site of action.


1.It relieves pain and stiffness and easens movements at the knee joint in sandhigata vata .
  2.  it also strengthens the joint, muscles and soft tissues around,
  3.Improves circulation and enables you to resume back your work and activities.


Osteoarthritis (OA) refers to a clinical syndrome of joint pain accompanied by varying degrees of functional limitation and reduced quality of life. It is by far the most common form of arthritis and one of the leading causes of pain and disability worldwide.Musculoskeletal disease (MSDs) conditions are prevalent and their impact is pervasive. They are the most common cause of severe long term pain & morbidity, having a  substantial influence on health and quality of life, imposing on enormous burden of cost on the healthcare system. . Our knee is one of the crucial junctures in the body that suffers a lot as our age increases. Mainly the fluid between the two adjoining bones gets dried and this makes the movement painful as the bones rather than moving smoothly rubs into one another. Janu vasti is a part of panchakarma in Ayurveda treatment and it is One of the most effective treatment in reliving the pain and rejuvenating the joint Janu Basti is aimed just to provide the requied lubrication in this joint by rejuvenating the fluid and stiffening cells adjoining to it. This is a special ayurvedic treatment for the knee joint conditions like arthritis, tendon injuries, sprain, etc. long term health benefits of medicated Janu Basti are numerous. Apart from great relief from regular joint pain in the knee Janu Basti eases your body movement as a whole. After Janu Basti as you are relieved from aching pain in your knees your body movements would increase substantially and that again can result in numerous good effects on the body.


1.Dr Satyanarayana Shastri, Charaka Samhita sutrasthana, chapter 20 sholka-11 edition 2006, Varanasi: Chaukambha Bharathi Academy
2.Dr Satyanarayana Shastri, Charaka Samhita chikitsasthana, chapter 28 sholka-37 edition 2006, Varanasi: Chaukhambha bharathi Academy, p.783. 
 3.Kaviraj Dr Ambhikadutta shastri, Sushruta Samhita chikitsasthana, chapter 4 sholka-  edition, 2010 Chaukambha Shastri samsthana p.34.
4.Dr Kaviraj Atrideva Gupta & Vaidya Yadhunandhan Upadyaya, Astanga Hridaya Chikitsa stana  chapter 21 sholka 22 edition 2010 Varanasi, Chaukhamba Prakhashsan, ( The kashi sanskrit series) p.566
5.Prof. Yadhunanadhan Upadyaya Madava Nidana Vatavyadhinidana chapter   sholka 21 edition2006 Varanasi, Chaukhambha Sanskrit sansthana volume-1 p.463
6.Bishagrasta sri- Bramha Sankara Shastri Yogaratnakhara vatavyadhi chikitsa sholka 1 edition 6 Chaukhambha Sanskrit samsthana 1997 p.344 (khashi Sanskrit Granthamala 160)
 7.Vidhyotini Hindi commentary Pandit Sri Bhramashankara Mishra Bhavaprakhasha Madhyamakhanda chapter vatavyadhi chikitsa sholka258/265 edition2003 Varanasi,Chaukhambha Sanskrit samsthana p.264-265 (The Khashi Sanskrit Series 130)
 8.Dr.P.V.Sharma Chakradutta vatavyadhi chikitsa chapter 21 sholka 1-9 edition 2007 p.184 Chaukhambha Publ.(The khashi Ayurveda series 17)
9.Dr Kaviraj Atrideva Gupta & Vaidya Yadhunandhan Upadyaya, Astanga Hridaya Chikitsa stana  chapter 19/ sholka 1 edition 2010 Varanasi, Chaukhamba Prakhashsan, ( The kashi sanskrit series) p.162
 10.Chakrapani, Ayurveda Deepika teeka on Charakasamhitha Sutrasthana chapter
shloka 13. 4th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 1994. p. 89. (KasiSanskrit series 228).
11.Chakrapani,Ayurveda Deepika Teekha  on Charakasamhitha Siddhisthana chapter 1 shloka 29-30. 4th ed.Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 1994. p. 682. (Kasi Sanskrit series 228).
12.Charakasamhitha Sutrasthana chapter 22/15
Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 1994. p.120. (Kasi Sanskrit series 228)
13.Dalhana, Nibandhasangraha teeka on Sushrutasamhitha Chikitsasthana chapter
 shloka 30.Varanasi: Krishnadas Academy; 1980. p.488. (Krishnadas Ayurveda Series 51).
14. Sushrutasamhitha Chikitsasthana chapter 33 shloka 22. Varanasi:Krishnadas Academy
 15.Davidson’s, Principles & Practice of Medicine  Chapter 28 Masculoskeletal disorders, Edition 19