Thursday 10 March 2016

“Importance of Dhatakyadi Taila Pichu and Lodhradi Varti in Shwet Pradar”



Shwetpradar was selected for the present clinical study as it is the most common complaint by almost all the women seen in day to day clinical practice. In Ayurveda, it is not described as a separate entity but there is description of different types of srava along with white under different strirog (yonivyapad, jataharini).Pradaras explained by Chakrapani is excessive flow so when it is associated with excessive physiological or pathological vaginal discharges can be taken as ShwetPradar. The treatment of ShwetPradar was also mentioned by some ancient scholars. So after collecting all the description regarding ShwetPradar it was seen that it is a kaphavatapradhantridoshajavyadhi. In modern science, ShwetPradar can be correlated with leucorrhoea, which is physiological white vaginal discharge. However if we observe all the symptoms associated with strirog mentioned in Ayurveda in which srava is mentioned, it can be seen that it also includes pathological vaginal discharges along with physiological white discharges. Thus ShwetPradar can be taken under abnormal vaginal discharges both physiological and pathological.
In Ayurveda, various treatment modalities are mentioned including sthanikachikitsa which plays an important role in striroga,having many benefits. The medical therapy given nowadays include local application of antibacterial antifungal pessaries, ointment which may disturb the normal vaginal flora leading to reccurrence of disease.
So the present study was conducted to provide a more effective, rationale treatment for the ShwetPradar. In the present clinical trial, total 40 patients were selected randomnly and divided in 2 groups of 20 each. Group I was treated with Dhatkyaditailapichu, 15 ml oil soaked pichu was given for local vaginal application for 7 days in night and Group II was treated with Lodhradivarti, 3 gmvarti was given for vaginal insertion at night for 7 days. 2 follow ups were given one after 7 days of insertion and second after 15days of drug free period. This protocol was repeated after 15 days of drug free period, if required in both the groups.

After completing the clinical study, it was found that maximum no of patients were in sexually active reproductive age group. Maximum patients were multiparous suffering from non specific infections. It was also found thatShwetPradar is a chronic recurrent disease. Group I treated with Dhatkyaditaila showed more significant results on discharge, pruritus, foul smell, cervix congestion compared to group II treated with Lodhradivarti clinically though statistically it was seen only on discharge and wet film examination. Overall effect of therapy was also seen more significant in GroupI.Recurrence was observed in 10 patients, 4 in Group I and 6 in Group II. This may be due to wrong application of medicine by patients or they may not followed the advice given to them. Medicine was repeated again according to protocol then 2 patients in Group I and 2 patients in Group II got relief.
Dhatakyaditaila seem to possess tridoshashamaka, krimighna, kandughna, shothhara, srotoshodhaka, vranaropaka,yonishodhaka,stambhaka properties by virtue of its kashaya,madhura,katu andtikta rasa, laghurukshaguna, sheetaveerya and katuvipaka.Lodhradivarti seem to possess tridoshashamaka, stambhana, kaphashodhaka,sravashoshaka properties by virtue of its kashaya, madhura rasa, gururukshaguna, sheetaveerya, katumadhuravipaka.Both the drugs contain tannins, flavonoids, saponins and tri terpenoids which have anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, astringent and wound healing properties.
After the completion of trial and comparing the study with other previous works done on the same disease, it can be said that oral therapy should be used in conjunction with the local therapy or duration of local therapy should be increased for the complete management of ShwetPradar.

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